Feedback from early trial groups and users

Career advisors/practitioners’ comments:

  • The hardest part was selecting the order of the 6 types. Great tool to generate ideas and discussions with students and to extend their narrow range of job ideas. We will be investing in this. Congratulations on a useful, interactive careers tool. (29 April, 2016)
  • Clean, uncluttered straight-forward and appealing
  • An excellent user friendly starting point
  • I like the simplicity, the graphics
  • I really like the emphasis on exploration
  • I like the use of colours, and the clouds
  • Looks straight-forward and easy to work with
  • This version of Holland RIASEC really appeals

From users of the tool

  • Quite cool to see how jobs connect with people – makes sense
  • I found it worked for me, the skills were good – you should add brand manager to the jobs (I did)
  • Pretty cool, different but easy.

We are looking forward to more formal and validated feedback after the launch in March 2016 – it will be reported here.